- Family Notes
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Tuesday, February 4th - TELPAS Night
Friday, February 7th - Aviator Family Meeting
Next Week's Assessments:
Aviator Families! With Common Assessments only about 6 weeks away, it’s imperative that students are on campus, actively engaged in learning, and receiving feedback so they can grow. This includes engaging in Summative Assessments so we can see where students need to grow and where they’re shining already! Please ensure your Aviator is present for all upcoming exams.
Extended learning has begun:
Extended Learning has begun at Hobby! Extended learning serves as “homework” and an opportunity for our Aviators to get extra at-bats at Purposeful Practice!
•Extended learning refers to a combination work completed in class, in advisory or other spaces, in tutorials, and at home
•IXL and SAT/TSIA2 Khan data will be centrally tracked with aligned incentives and accountability.
•Campuses will need to support students in meeting minimum requirements.
•Late work policy adjustment to support extended learning and better align with college-ready skills
•Increasing student and family awareness about goals and critical exams, especially in 8th and 9th grade
•Reset and increased accountability for tutorial attendance, especially in 8th and 9th grade
•Structured 8th and 9th grade culture initiative on building awareness, ownership, and buy-in
Courses impacted by Extended Learning:
- STAAR Tested English (6th-11th Grade)
- STAAR Tested Math (6th-9th Grade)
- Biology, US History
- Science 8, Social Studies 8
Please reach out to your Aviator’s teachers with any questions you have!
Attendance Recovery:
We want to remind families that attendance is important for your students to be successful. In addition to being behind academically, students with excessive absences are at risk of retention or credit loss. Students with 9 or more absences (per class) are considered to have excessive absences. Below is additional information on what this looks like:
Middle School (6th – 8th grade):
Students with 9 or more absences will be reviewed by the Grade Placement Committee. Middle School students with more than 9 absences are at risk to be retained based off other data, including grades.
High School (9th – 11th grade):
Students with 9 or more absences in a class will not receive credit for the class, even if they pass the class. High School students with more than 9 absences will have to attend Attendance Recovery or Credit Recovery in order to earn credit for the class. This consists of 32 hours of making up seat time or material in order for the credit to be added to their transcript.
For all of our students, it is imperative that they are at school every day that they feel healthy. If your student is sick, or has an emergency, please be sure to send a doctors note or parent note to the front office as a small amount of absences each semester can be excused due to these reasons.
Extended Learning:
We are excited to share updates about our Extended Learning Policy and Late Work Policy, which will begin the week of January 21st. These changes are designed to help students strengthen their skills, stay on track, and achieve their academic goals.
What is Extended Learning?
Extended Learning goes beyond the classroom to provide students with additional opportunities to practice and grow. Activities will include:
· Work completed in class, advisory, tutorials, or at home.
· Tools like IXL, Khan Academy, and ELA anchor text reading, which will track progress and reward students for their hard work.
How Will This Impact Students?
Students will have clear expectations for their Extended Learning activities, which will be included in their grades. Teachers and staff are here to support students in meeting these requirements.
Late Work Policy
To help students develop college-ready skills, a new Late Work Policy will also take effect:
· Late assignments will lose 5% per day, up to one week.
· After one week, the maximum grade will be 50%.
· Extensions may be granted for emergencies or excused absences.
Teaching Professional Skills
We are also teaching students how to communicate professionally with their teachers. If a student needs an extension, they will learn how to write a clear and respectful email to request more time.
How You Can Help
We encourage you to talk with your student about these new policies and help them stay organized. We also encourage you to check your students Skyward grade with them weekly, and communicate with teachers via Parent Square if there are any concerns. You can also review specific assignments on their schoology pages.
If you have any questions or need additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your partnership in helping our students succeed!
TELPAS, or the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System, is an annual test that evaluates the English proficiency of Emerging Bilingual (EB) students. It is mandatory for all K-12 EB students.
We invite you to our TELPAS Family Night to learn more about:
- What TELPAS is
- Why your student needs to take TELPAS
- How students will be evaluated in each language domain
Intent to Return:
Families, our intent to return survey for the 2025-2026 school year launches on Tuesday, January 21st in Skyward. All families will be asked to answer a short, 2 question survey about their intention for their student for next school year. Paper copies of the survey will also be sent home the week of 1/21 in homeroom classes. We utilize this data for our lottery and planning for the 2025-2026 school year. It’s essential that we receive a
All grade levels that reach 100% intent to return survey completion by 1/31 will be allowed to wear crocs on campus for a week.
Attendance Incentive for January:
Aviator families starting Friday 1/17 until Thursday 1/30 students with 94.3% will be invited to Hobby's first 4th period popcorn and movie on Friday, 1/31. Aviators, make sure you come to school, on time, with no more than 1 excused absence in order to join!
Bus Route Adjustments:
Aviator Families,
We appreciate your patience this year as we navigate district changes to our transportation process. For all families that currently receive transportation services, please note that our route times are changing for the spring semester. Additionally, some routes have been eliminated. Please review our attached bus routes to see how your student is impacted.
As always, busses can be tracked with our first view app. If you have any concerns with our new routes please reach out to transportation@yesprep.org for support.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing all students tomorrow!
Spring ASPIRE:
YES Prep Hobby Secondary ASPIRE is excited to welcome you to the Spring 2024-2025 program. Spring ASPIRE will begin on Monday, January 13th. This includes our morning sports (Monday – Friday) and after school clubs (Monday – Wednesday). As a reminder, transportation is not provided for after school or morning clubs, and family members are expected to pick up students promptly after the end of the club time in order to continue in the program.
· After School ASPIRE is Mondays-Wednesday from 4:00-5:15pm.
· Morning ASPIRE will be offered Mondays-Fridays from 7:00-8:00am.
If your student was in ASPIRE this fall, they are automatically re-registered for Spring clubs. If your student was not in ASPIRE, but you are interested in them joining, you must register them by reaching out to Mr. Jones at Michael.Jones@yesprep.org . All students interested in participating in ASPIRE must be registered BEFORE attending their club.
Any questions regarding morning or after school ASPIRE can be directed to Mr. Jones. We look forward to a great semester of clubs and opportunities for our Aviators!
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Morning 7:00 – 8:05am |
Morning Sports Mr. Cortez 7:00 – 8:05am |
Afternoon 4:00 – 5:15pm |
Gaming Mr. Cano
MS Student Council Ms. Lewis
Athletic Training & Conditioning Mr. Reynolds
Black Student Association Ms. Brown & Ms. Pender |
Athletic Training & Conditioning Mr. Reynolds
National Honor Society (HS) Mr. Hernandez |
No After School ASPIRE |
Food Assistance:
Hello, Aviator Families!
YES Prep Hobby Secondary is happy to announce that we have partnered with the Houston Food Bank to provide food assistance for all Aviators through the Backpack Buddy program. Many students rely on school meals for breakfast and lunch during the week. Backpack Buddy is designed to fill the weekend gap by providing nutritious food for students to take home over the weekend. Scan the QR code or follow the link and sign up today for your Aviator to receive a weekly food package each Friday that includes 6 meals and snacks!
Front Office Hours:
Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:10pm
Office Number: 713-842-5600
Email: Hobby@yesprep.org
Make sure to follow up on social media to get the latest updates:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/YPHobby
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yesprephobby/
- Family Notes