- Family Notes
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Monday, November 18th- Students return to school "A" Day
Friday, November 22nd- Culture Day for Students
Monday, November 25th- Friday, November 29th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
Monday, December 2nd- No school for students
Tuesday, November 3rd- Students return from thanksgiving break "B" Day
Quarter 2 Progress Report:
Progress Reports for Quarter 2 will be released 11/22! PR2 grades serve as a touchpoint and temperature check to see how your Aviator is doing in classes and where they need additional support.
Some reminders about grades:
- Attendance is key to your Aviator being successful in classes.
- Starting in 8th grade, Grade Point Average (GPA) begins to be calculated for our Aviators as they earn High School credits.
- All Aviators have the opportunity to increase their mastery through test corrections, makeup assignments, and retakes.
Grades can be found by logging into Skyward. Please feel free to reach out via Parent Square directly to your Aviator’s teacher with any questions you have.
STAAR Tutorials:
STAAR Tutorials re-start next Monday, 11/18! For the remainder of Quarter 2, selected Aviators will engage in either Social Studies (Mondays) or Math (Tuesdays) tutorials for STAAR and AP tested courses.
- After-school tutorials are from 4:15-5:15 pm.
- There is not transportation provided.
- Families of students who have tutorials receive an email invitation to tutorials.
- Tutorials are for all students who did not pass the previous year’s Common Assessments or STAAR exam in that subject.
ELA and Science tutorials will take place during Culture Block. Please reach out to Ms. Giese, Director of Academics, with any questions you have (caroline.giese@yesprep.org).
Technology Reminders:
Students do not need their cell phones or headphones to be successful during the school day. In order to remove this distraction, we have a technology policy in place to ensure that students can be successful throughout the day. Students who are using their phone or headphones during the school day, including in the hallways, will have their phone collected and given to their Grade Level Chair or Dean of Students. If this happens multiple times, a guardian will be asked to pick up the phone at the end of the day. Headphones that are being worn in class or the hallway that are not directly related to academic instruction will also be confiscated.
High School students have the opportunity to earn privileges to use their phone, including lunch, flex and during arrival.
Dress Code Reminders:
With colder weather approaching, we want to ensure all family members are aware of our dress code policy. During the school day, our dress code policy states that all students must wear a YES Prep Hobby spirit shirt and outerwear daily, unless students have an approved spirit day or free dress day. This means that all outerwear must have YES Prep branding on it. Students cannot wear solid color jackets, or jackets with other logos while inside the building. Students can wear long sleeves under their YES Prep shirts, as long as the top layer has YES Prep branding showing. Sweaters can be purchased through our front office during operating hours.
If students come to school wearing a coat or jacket that is not YES Prep approved, it is expected to be off and stored away before entering the building, otherwise it will be collected until the end of the day.
Turkey Raffle:
Families, we are excited to host our third annual turkey raffle at Hobby! Students who are present every day from Monday 11/11 - Thursday 11/21 will be entered into a raffle for a Thanksgiving turkey! There will be 1 winner per grade level announced on Friday, 11/22. Students must be present at lunch to win their turkey.
Culture Day 11/22:
We are looking for family volunteers to support with our culture day on November 22nd during lunch. We will have concessions and opportunities for students to purchase pizza lunch on this day. If you are available to help with this, please reach out to Ms. Peck at the information below
- 713-459-0919
- Jaclyn.Peck@yesprep.org
Food Assistance:
Hello, Aviator Families!
YES Prep Hobby Secondary is happy to announce that we have partnered with the Houston Food Bank to provide food assistance for all Aviators through the Backpack Buddy program. Many students rely on school meals for breakfast and lunch during the week. Backpack Buddy is designed to fill the weekend gap by providing nutritious food for students to take home over the weekend. Scan the QR code or follow the link and sign up today for your Aviator to receive a weekly food package each Friday that includes 6 meals and snacks!
Front Office Hours:
Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:10pm
Office Number: 713-842-5600
Email: Hobby@yesprep.org
Make sure to follow up on social media to get the latest updates:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/YPHobby
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yesprephobby/
- Family Notes