• Family Notes

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We’ve had a joyous return from our break, diving into data and resetting expectations for a strong landing to the end of the semester! On Friday, we celebrated all of our students who earned were Zero Heros and earned growth points and perfect attendance at our Polar Express!  We’ll spend the rest of the semester Decking the Walls with data as we celebrate our successes and implement action plans to ensure we grow! On Monday, your Aviator will receive and review their Common Assessments results during their Advisory period. They will receive a letter to provide to you as well. Please review their results and check Skyward and Hero for progress report and behavior data. Take some time to celebrate your Aviator for their growth and achievement and discuss a plan of action to close out the semester strong. 

Be sure to read below for specific updates and actions to take to support the growth of your Aviator! 



Ms. Brown 


Tuesday, December 10th- High School College fair

Friday, December 13th- Spirit Day: Wear a tacky sweater

Monday, December 16th- Spirit Day: wear your favorite holiday character

Tuesday, December 17th- Spirit Day: Twin Day 

Wednesday, December 18th- Spirit Day: wear blue and white

Thursday, December 19th- Spirit Day: wear pajamas

Thursday, December 19th- Movie at the Lawn 6:00pm

Friday, December 20th- Wear Hobby swag for student field trips

Monday, December 23- Tuesday, January 7- Winter break: No school for students

Wednesday, January 8- Students return from winter break "A" Day


First page of the PDF file: December2024_Final


Transportation Updates:

Families, we appreciate your patience as our district implements new transportation procedures for the 2024-2025 school year. We understand these changes have been frustrating as the new system is rolled out and we have been working with home office to ensure we are making adjustments.  

On Tuesday, 12/3 final bus routes went into effect for Hobby Secondary. Only students who are listed on the bus route roster will be allowed to ride moving forward. All families that were denied transportation received a phone call on Friday, 11/22 and Monday, 12/2 from our district office. We understand not all families were contacted and this caused lots of confusion this week.  

If your student has been directly impacted or denied a route, please reach out directly to transportation@yesprep.org for resolution. Please note that our home office determined rider eligibility and any changes have to be cleared from the transportation office directly, not our Hobby Secondary campus. Our campus is not able to make transportation changes or add students to the bus rosters.  

Common Assessment Reflection:

We believe and know that ALL Aviators are capable of Growth. We were excited to celebrate over 350 Aviators today who showed Growth from last year’s STAAR to this year’s Fall Common Assessments. See below for information shared in today’s Family Meeting:  

Overall Bright Spots:  

  • Math 6, Math 7, Algebra I grew from last year! 
  • 30% of Aviators grew in either Math, ELA, or both (from last year’s STAAR)! 
  • AP courses were strong for Growth: AP Spanish, AP Literature, AP Physics! 
  • Returning teachers had higher data than on CA1 from last year! 
  • Pre-calculus had higher Growth rate than district average! 
  • We have 367 students who met their individual Growth Goal & will be celebrated with the Hobby Polar Express today! 

Areas of Concern:  

  • We saw lower student achievement and student growth in English courses across all grade levels.  
  • Across courses, students did not engage fully or completely in their writing practice (essays, short-constructed responses, fill-in-the-blanks) leading to lower overall scores. 
  • Math 8 and Algebra I continue to be courses of concern.  
  • Lower student achievement and growth in Biology and Science 8 compared to previous years. 

Want to better understand how your Aviator can earn Approaches-Meets-Masters on Common Assessments and STAAR?  


Next Steps:  

  • We’re going to celebrate! 
  • Praise your Aviator! 
  • Ensure students are present for purposeful practice opportunities.  
  • Have students attend tutorials for Math, Science, ELA, or Social Studies (updated invitations to tutorials will be sent out in January) 
  • Middle school Aviator? Make sure your Aviator is completing IXL at home for additional Math practice! 
  • High school Aviator? Make sure your Aviator is working on Khan Academy at home for additional Math practice! 


End of Year Field Trips and Celebrations:

We are excited to end the semester with celebrations. Part of this is a field trip to increase opportunities to build community and a sense of belonging. Field Trips will take place on December 20, 2024. 


Students who meet behavioral and attendance expectations throughout the month of December are eligible to attend, but there is limited space. Students must turn in a permission slip and the fee before 12/13/24. Permission Slips must be submitted to Their GLC, and the payment submitted in Skyward. If you have issues with paying online, please contact our front office on next steps.  

Grade Level  



6th grade 

On-campus Celebration 

More information to Come  

7th grade  

Dave and Busters 


8th grade  

Movie & Park 


9th grade 

Movie & Mall 


10th grade  

Museum & Park 


11th grade  

Movie & Mall 



Failing Grades Best Practice:

Hobby Families,  


Thank you for meeting with us today during the monthly family meeting. Students who fail one or more core classes will need to take credit recovery. Credit Recovery is $75 per credit.  



Best Practices for checking students grade: 


1. Access the Student Portal 

  • Skyward Portals: provide parents with access to an online access where they can view real-time grade updates. This includes: 
  • Current Grades: View grades for assignments, quizzes, tests, and overall class performance. 
  • Assignments and Tests: See upcoming assignments, deadlines, and test schedules. 
  • Progress Reports: Regular reports detailing how your child is performing academically. 
  • Past Grades: Track historical performance across subjects and grading periods. 

2. Set Up Email Alerts or Notifications 

  • Grade drops: Alerts when a student’s grade falls below a certain threshold. 
  • Missing Assignments: Notifications for any missing or incomplete assignments. 
  • Low Attendance: Alerts if your child misses too many classes. 

3. Review Homework and Classwork Regularly 

  • Ask to See Their Work: Regularly check in with your child about their completed homework, projects, and classwork.  
  • Discuss Mistakes: Help your child understand errors in assignments or tests, and encourage them to seek help or clarify doubts with teachers. 

4. Utilize School Communication Tools 

  • ParentSquare: Keep parents informed about classroom updates, assignments, and student progress. These platforms may offer instant messaging with teachers and reminders about upcoming tests or projects. 
  • Family Notes: Stay informed through school newsletters often contain important grade-related information. 

5. Check Report Cards and Progress Reports 

6. Attend School Events: Participate in back-to-school nights, open houses, and school board meetings to stay connected to what’s happening in your child’s school. 


Food Assistance:

Hello, Aviator Families!

YES Prep Hobby Secondary is happy to announce that we have partnered with the Houston Food Bank to provide food assistance for all Aviators through the Backpack Buddy program. Many students rely on school meals for breakfast and lunch during the week. Backpack Buddy is designed to fill the weekend gap by providing nutritious food for students to take home over the weekend. Scan the QR code or follow the link and sign up today for your Aviator to receive a weekly food package each Friday that includes 6 meals and snacks!



Front Office Hours: 

Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:10pm

Office Number: 713-842-5600

Email: Hobby@yesprep.org 


Make sure to follow up on social media to get the latest updates:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/YPHobby 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yesprephobby/



  • Family Notes

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