- Family Notes
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Greetings, Aviator Families!
We had a wonderful week at YES Prep Hobby. It is hard to believe that August is behind us and September is in front of us. We continue to work closely with our Aviators to ensure their academic success. Also, I want to give a special welcome to all of our Aviator Families who have recently joined us! We are so excited to have you as part of the Aviator community.
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Mr. Sander
- September 6th- Holiday - No school for Students and Staff
- October 1st- Early Dismissal
- October 15th- District Staff Development- No school for students
- October 18th- Holiday- No School for Students and Staff
In order to ensure that our students are successful in high school math, we require all 8th students to own a TI-Nspire calculator. 8th grade and high school math has increasingly been aimed at preparing students for success in college courses and 21st century careers.
The TI-Nspire graphing calculators are sold in retailers like Walmart, Office Depot, Staples, etc., and generally range in price from $100-$150. New, used, and refurbished TI-Nspire calculators can also be found online on sites such as Amazon.com and eBay. Students will start using their calculators the week of September 7th.
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We are Still Accepting Applications for 6th Grade!
Do you have a 6th grade student or know of a family who does? Hobby still has spots available for enrollment in 6th grade. Visit this site for more information and to submit an application.
Given the continued rise in confirmed cases, it is now our expectation that all students and staff wear masks. Masks will be provided at each campus, as needed. When masks are worn consistently and correctly, they not only protect you but others as well. In general, people do not need to wear masks when outdoors. People should wear a mask in crowded outdoor settings or during activities that involve sustained close contact with other people or if they or someone in their household is immunocompromised.
- A student who cannot wear a mask, or cannot safely wear a mask, because of a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.). Please reach out to our Special Populations team if you require assistance.
- A student is not expected to wear a mask while eating or drinking but should maintain physical distance as possible. The mask should be stored in a safe, clean location and should be worn immediately thereafter.
Update about our Morning Arrival Time and Location:
Gate #2 on Tallyho now closes at 8:25am each day. This is to help Aviators make it to class by safely by 8:30am and not be tardy. Please do not drop off your Aviator at the side door after 8:25am. Instead, enter through the Gate #1 on Tallyho (by the flag pole and Front Office), turn left to line up by the gym, and have your Aviator exit their vehicle there. Drivers should then continue forward to exit out of Gate #2. Any Aviator arriving to campus or class after 8:30am is tardy and needs to check in at the front office. Students with multiple tardies have be asked to serve detention this school year.
Message from the Clinics Office:
We ask that you, as always, watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
- Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth;
- Sore throat;
- New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (or, for students with a chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline);
- Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain; or
- New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
If you or any member of the school community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the Hobby community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting 713) 842-5600
Aviator Apparel :
If you are interested in buying spirit wear for your students (or family members) please visit our fan cloth page: https://fancloth.shop/llbya The campaign is open until September 15th. If a student purchases an item that does not meet our dress code policy (example: sweatpants or leggings) please make sure they do not wear the items to school.
Dress Code:
Thank you for helping us uphold a positive learning environment by sending your students to school following our dress code policy. As a reminder, all clothes should be school appropriate. You can find our dress code policy in our Hobby Individual Campus Supplement Handbook. Find the complete student handbooks here
- Please ensure your student arrives to campus by 8:25am
- Students must have their Temp ID everyday
- Cell phones should be turned off during school hours.
- Students must come with a charged laptop and charger every day.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Pack via e-mail at jaclyn.peck@yesprep.org or via phone at (713) 967-8818.
No Spectators at Athletics Events
In accordance with district policy, we will no longer be allowing any spectators at athletic events for the time being. Effective 9/1.
You can follow up on Hobby Athletics - YouTube for Livestream.
Family Portal: Family Notes
Barb Campbell – Director of Family Engagement
Chris Darville – Managing Director of Tech Strategy
YES Prep has partnered with the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation to develop and deploy a modern Family Portal. This Family Portal is a user-friendly way for you to access and understand your student’s progress and communicate with their teachers. The Family Portal will provide you with key data related to your child’s success, including grades, missing assignments, attendance, and behavior, in one location and will support in-app chat, email, and live translation for more than 60 languages.
We are excited to let you know that the Family Portal is now live, and we encourage you to log in and explore the portal and its features. Check your email inbox for login instructions and your temporary password sent out on 8/16. If you did not receive an email, simply follow the steps under "Set up account" on the Family Portal Help page.
You can access the Family Portal HERE. Please let us know of any suggestions or problems you have by clicking the blue “?” icon and selecting “Help/Resources
Family Communications Toolkit
These platforms are to access student courses, grades, behavior data and family communication.
- Skyward: This site (bottom of page) has information and support for access to Skyward.
- Schoology: This site has information on Schoology and access.
- YES Prep Family Portal: This site has information on YES Prep Family Portal and access.
- HERO: This site (bottom of page) has information and support for access to HERO.
Student Activity on YES Prep Devices
YES Prep Public Schools believes that holding students to behavioral expectations that increase safety and joy in learning will support their ability to achieve academic success, care for their community, and ultimately increase the number of students from YES Prep who succeed in college or post secondary opportunities. Committing to community expectations ensures a physically and emotionally safe learning environment that embraces the diverse communities, cultures, and identities of our students. We believe it is the responsibility of YES Prep staff to build community agreements and teach non-cognitive social skills in order to help students feel safe, seen, and empowered.
The YES Prep Student Code of Conduct outlines the behavioral expectations of students and the consequences administered for specific acts of misconduct. Disciplinary action shall draw on the professional judgement of the administrators, the seriousness of the offense, and the requirement listed in the YES Prep Student Code of Conduct. Actions of misconduct may result in suspension up to three days per occurrence or a recommendation for a disciplinary hearing, which could result placement at a disciplinary alternative program (DAEP) or expelled. All behavior on campus site or through school electronic communication system including the district internet and Microsoft Teams platform are subjected to the YES Prep Code of Conduct.
We share this reminder as it has been brought to our attention that students are engaging in inappropriate behaviors (e.g., accessing social media and other non-YES Prep sites, virtual jokes, pranks, etc.) using these platforms. YES Prep students are expected to behave in a manner that promotes care for all individuals, contributes to a safe environment for students, and provide an educational environment free of disruption. As such, please remember that YES Prep issued laptops, devices, internet, and Microsoft Teams should be used only for school approved activities, classes, and purposes. Additionally, these devices and platforms are frequently reviewed and monitored by YES Prep Public Schools.
Please be advised that any students who are not adhering to these expectations outlined in the YES Prep Student Handbook will be held to the consequences outlined in the Code of Conduct. It should be noted that, depending on the egregiousness of the conduct, authorities may be called. Moving forward, all students are expected to use these devices and platforms appropriately.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and time. We appreciate your involvement in helping students understand how their actions have impact on other people. We know that your support will help our students continue to grow and become more successful. For additional recommendations, please review the tips below.
Recommendations for Families:
- Talk with your student about setting boundaries and what is/ is not appropriate for Microsoft Teams or YES Prep Devices.
- Monitor your student’s activity. If possible, work alongside your student and familiarize yourself with how your student is using technology.
- Review your student’s activity. Review any messages, assignments, internet history, or other activities that your student is completing at the beginning or end of each day.
- Talk with your students about safe technology and internet use beyond YES Prep platforms. This includes social media best-practices, privacy and location settings, and the sharing of personal information. For more information visit https://crime-stoppers.org/cyber-safety/
- Family Notes