• Family Notes

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Greetings, Aviator Families!  

I hope that you and your families have stayed safe as a result of Hurricane Nicholas. I know that any weather event that impacts our city can be hard on our community, and we are here to support you and your family if you need assistance. If you were impacted by Hurricane Nicholas, please complete a Student Assistance Form so that Mrs. Martello, our Student Support Counselor, can follow up with you and your family.  

Wednesday, September 15th kicked off our annual celebration of Latinx Heritage Month at YES Prep Hobby. We are excited to celebrate the members of our school community who identify as Latinx. Aviators will have opportunities throughout the month (September 15th to October 15th) to celebrate individually and across the whole school.  

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!  


Mr. Sander  

September 15- October 15: Latinx Hispanic Heritage Month 

October 1st: Early Dismissal 1:00pm

October 18th: Fall Holiday - No School for Students & Staff

First page of the PDF file: ABDaySchedule_1

Quarter 1 Progress Reports:

Please visit Skyward to be able to view your student’s progress report. This is a snapshot of the work they have done in the last 4 weeks. Students have the opportunity to reassess all formative assessments. If you have questions about your student’s grades, please email their teacher. Thank you.  


Latinx Hispanic Heritage Month 

First page of the PDF file: LatinxHeritageMonthh1

Lockdown Drill this week:

We practice several different types of safety drills throughout the school year. This practice is for all students and staff to learn the procedures to remain safe and calm in the case of a safety event.  Next week we’ll complete our first lockdown drill of the year. Please help prepare your Aviator by reviewing the information below with them. Thank you for speaking with your student so we can run a successful practice!  

During a lockdown drill, all Aviators should:  

  1. Follow their teacher’s instructions  

  1. Move quickly  

  1. Remain quiet.  

  1. Take the practice seriously and not joke, laugh, or play around.


We are Still Accepting Applications for 6th Grade!

we still have seats available in 6th grade for this school year. If you know someone who is looking for a great middle school, please visit this site for more information and have them apply online at https://yesprep.schoolmint.net.



Follow us on social media to stay updated on campus events, get to meet our teachers, and watch other fun campus culture videos!

Instagram: @yesprephobby
Facebook: @yesprephobby
YouTube: YES Prep Hobby


As we start the school year, we notice a trend in increased use and discussion of Nicotine products. We encourage you to talk with your students about this matter at home. Using this link you will find district resources to support further learning on the topic at home for families and students. 

We will continue to hold students accountable to our Code of Conduct as necessary and are thankful for your support in keeping our school safe for all students. 

We ensure all students are getting the social, emotional, and/or mental health support they need to be successful. If you notice a change in behavior, something has changed at home, or if your student has asked to talk to someone, we are here for to help! Feel free to message us, give us a call or fill out our Student Assistance Form with any questions or concerns. 


Student Support Counselor:

Amanda Martello amanda.martello@yesprep.org 713) 967-9257

Dean of Student Support:

Jaclyn Peck jaclyn.peck@yesprep.org 713-967-8818


Student Assistance Form



As a reminder, all clothes should be school appropriate. Due to an increased number of dress code violations, we are working to support students in promoting a positive learning environment. Students who come to school wearing athletic pants, ripped pants, crop tops, or other clothing that does not meet our dress code will receive a lunch detention and parents will be notified. Thank you for helping us uphold a positive learning environment by sending your students to school following our dress code policy. 

You can find our dress code policy in our Hobby Individual Campus Supplement Handbook. Find the complete student handbooks here 

No Spectators at Athletics Events

In accordance with district policy, we will no longer be allowing any spectators at athletic events for the time being. Effective 9/1.

You can follow up on Hobby Athletics - YouTube for Livestream. 


First page of the PDF file: BluewithYellowVolleyballIllustrationPoster_2


Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:

  • Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth;
  • Sore throat;
  • New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (or, for students with a chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline);
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain; or
  • New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever.

If a student begins to experience any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. If a student is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the front office at 713-842-5600. We appreciate your continued support as we work together to ensure the safety of our school community. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our front office team. 

If your student is absent please remember to send an excuse note or documentation with your child when they return. You can also email an absent excuse note to Ms. Rocha at candy.rocha@yesrep.org.  

Face Masks Expectation and Campus Face Mask Supply:

Hello Families,  

To keep our community safe during the continued COVID-19 pandemic, we ask that all students, staff, parents, and family members wear a mask on campus. If your Aviator forgets their mask, we can provide them one. The extra masks we have are reusable so please wash it for your Aviator to use it again. Please do not throw away these reusable masks. Thank you very much!  

Safety and Security:

we value your student’s safety, so we require them and all staff and personnel to wear a mask each day. If students do not have a mask on arriving to school, we provide them with one for the day. We also remind students to keep their mask over their mouth and nose at all times.

Timely Arrival: 

All of our students begin classes at 8:30AM daily. To ensure that students receive bell-to-bell instruction for each period, please drop off your students no later than 8:25AM every morning. Students who arrive after 8:25AM must check in at the front office and receive a tardy demerit. When students hit 3 tardy demerits, they begin to earn lunch detentions. Please, help us to get students to class on time.  

Student Dress Code: 

While we no longer have uniforms for YES Prep students, our students are still required to follow the YES Prep Hobby Dress code. Students out of dress code will receive a consequence and parents will be called to bring a change of clothes to the school before students can enter/re-enter class.


Please make sure your student has their ID on a Daily Bases. Students who do not have their IDs will receive a Temp ID along with a demerit. Students with more than 3 Demerits will receive Detention.


  • Students must bring their Laptops charged everyday. Students who forget their laptops will call parents to bring it in. 
  • Cellphones are not allowed to be used during school hours. If a student is caught with a cellphone, it will be confiscated and held at the front office until the end of the day where a parent (Guardian) must pick it up. 

Resource Links:

  • Transportation - View our current bus routes
  • Skyward -  View grades: assignment grades, progress report grades, and report card grades. Attendance: tardies, absences, etc. Schedule: classes your student is enrolled in.
  • Schoology -  parental access to Schoology, you can sign up for weekly reports as well as impersonate your child/children to view their classes, current and upcoming assignments, grades, etc. Schoology one pager: English | Español.
  • HERO - Behavior tracker

  • Family Notes

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