• Family Notes

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April 15- April 18 2022: Holiday- Students and Staff

You can find the YES Prep Academic Calendar online here.


Book Fair:

We are excited to host our 2nd Book Fair of the year and get books in the hands of more Aviators. The Book Fair also helps us fill our library with new and relevant books for our Hobby Library! The book fair will take place during the school day on April 4th - April 8th. All students will have a chance to visit the book fair during a class. If you or your family would like to attend the book fair we are extending the hours on Thursday, April 7th to 5:00pm. Check in at the front office starting at 4:00pm and join us in the library to purchase books for your student!

You can also support our book fair online by visiting https://www.scholastic.com/bf/yesprephobby


Late Arrival to School Procedure:

Students arriving late from 8:30-8:40am should be dropped off in our regular arrival lane. If you’re dropping off your Aviator after 8:30am, please enter campus for student drop-off through the second gate. This is our same gate used for arrival and dismissal.  

Please do not drop your Aviator off from 8:30-8:40am at the front office.  


Resource Links:

  • Transportation - View our current bus routes
  • Skyward -  View grades: assignment grades, progress report grades, and report card grades. Attendance: tardies, absences, etc. Schedule: classes your student is enrolled in.
  • Schoology -  parental access to Schoology, you can sign up for weekly reports as well as impersonate your child/children to view their classes, current and upcoming assignments, grades, etc. Schoology one pager: English | Español.
  • HERO - Behavior tracker



Follow us on social media to stay updated on campus events, get to meet our teachers, and watch other fun campus culture videos!
Instagram: @yesprephobby
Facebook: @yesprephobby
YouTube: YES Prep Hobby


Aspire Buses are for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Only. Click Here to see the bus schedule.





  • Family Notes

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