- Family Notes
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Monday, September 5th - Staff and Student Holiday
Tuesday, September - ASPIRE Take off
Friday, September 23rd- Early Dismissal (Students Dismissed at 1:00pm)
Friday, September 30th- Aviator Family Association Meeting
Early Student Pick-Up
In order to pick up your student before dismissal time, you must have a valid ID present and the person picking up must be listed under emergency contacts for the student. Emergency contact list can be found in Skyward. Updates to this list can be made on the Back to School Forms.
Timely Arrival:
All of our students begin classes at 8:30AM daily. To ensure that students receive bell-to-bell instruction for each period, please drop off your students no later than 8:25AM every morning.
Late Arrival to School Procedure:
Students arriving late from 8:30am-8:40am should be dropped off in our regular arrival lane. If you’re dropping off your Aviator after 8:30am, please enter campus for student drop-off through the second gate. This is our same gate used for arrival and dismissal.
Please do not drop your Aviator off from 8:30am-8:40am at the front office.
Student Dress Code:
While we no longer have uniforms for YES Prep students, our students are still required to follow the YES Prep Hobby Dress code. Students out of dress code will receive a consequence and parents will be called to bring a change of clothes to the school before students can enter/re-enter class.
Please make sure your student has their Squad lanyard and ID on a Daily Bases. Students who do not have their IDs will receive a Temp ID along with a demerit. Students with more than 3 Demerits will receive Detention.
- Students must bring their Laptops charged everyday. Students who forget their laptops will call parents to bring it in.
- Cellphones are not allowed to be used during school hours. If a student is caught with a cellphone, it will be confiscated and held at the front office until the end of the day where a parent (Guardian) must pick it up.
Food Drop off:
If you wish to bring your Aviator food for them to consume during lunch time, it must be dropped off at the Front office no Later than 9:00am. Food must be brought by the parent/ Guardian. Any food delivered by Door Dash & Uber Eats will be thrown away. As a reminder, All students receive Free Breakfast & Lunch.
Resource Links:
- Transportation - View our current bus routes
- Skyward - View grades: assignment grades, progress report grades, and report card grades. Attendance: tardies, absences, etc. Schedule: classes your student is enrolled in.
- Schoology - parental access to Schoology, you can sign up for weekly reports as well as impersonate your child/children to view their classes, current and upcoming assignments, grades, etc. Schoology one pager: English | Español.
- HERO - Behavior tracker
Follow us on social media to stay updated on campus events, get to meet our teachers, and watch other fun campus culture videos!
Instagram: @yesprephobby
Facebook: @yesprephobby
YouTube: YES Prep Hobby
Student Physicals:
Students who are still in need of a physical and wish to join sports, still can bring us their physical.
Better Days Clinic
2600 South Loop West Ste. 620
Houston, TX, 77054.
Physical fee: $20.
Students do not need to schedule an appointment. Please download the physical form here HCAL Physical Form.pdf and turn it in to Mr. Gipson.
For more questions, please reach out to Mr. Gipson at
Anthony.Gipson@yesprep.org or 713 969-0191
Game Admission Fees-
$3 for students
$5 for adults
Kids 6 and under are free.
The deadline to pay the $75 athletic fee will be Friday, Sept 9. If you need to set up payment plans, please contact Coach Gipson at Anthony.gipson@yesprep.org (713) 969-0191.
Our ASPIRE Before & After School program will be on Tuesday, September 6, 2022.
Please see below for Bus Routes and Programs.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Jalicia Hines @Hines, Jalicia or 346-473-8861.
- Family Notes