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Hello, Aviators,


We are excited to have completed our first full week of classroom instruction and for our first athletics and ASPIRE events! Read below for upcoming events including Map Testing and morning ASPIRE. Please also be sure to review the update about Arrival and Dismissal procedures.



Ms. Brown


Monday, Aug. 28th- Tuesday, Aug 29th- MS Reading & Math Map Testing

Monday, September 4th - Holiday No school

Wednesday, September 6th- HS Reading and Math MAP Testing


2023-2024 School Year Calendar click here

BeeBusy programming 

We are excited to welcome BeeBusy back to Hobby campus this year. BeeBusy is an amazing organization that we partner with that helps our students learn social emotional skills that can be beneficial to them for navigating through life. Students in grades 8, 9, and 10 will engage in a curriculum that promotes positive and responsible decision making as well as healthy relationships and behaviors. We encourage all students to participate so they can ascend and reach their highest potential. If you do not wish for your student to participate in BeeBusy programming, please sign the consent form that will be given to students and have your student return it. If you have any questions or concerns or want more details regarding the BeeBusy curriculum you can contact the student support counselors through the following contact methods. 

Ms. Lauren Goodes (Highschool SSC)


+1 (713) 924-5501


Ms. Stephanie Perez (Middle school SSC)


+1 (713) 967-8420


MAP Testing

It's MAP Time of the Year, Aviator Families! We use MAP testing in Reading and Math to collect beginning of year data that is heavily correlated to STAAR success in the Spring. Your Aviator will take three MAP Benchmarks throughout the year - at the beginning, the middle, and the end of the year - to assess their college and STAAR readiness. Middle School Aviators will take Reading and Math MAP testing on Monday (8/28) and Tuesday (8/29). High School Aviators will take Reading and Math on Wednesday, September 6th. 

Arrival and Dismissal Update

Families, thank you for your continued patience as we make adjustments to our traffic patterns in the morning. We collaborated with our district leaders who are responsible for our arrival, dismissal, and transportation patterns, worked this week to observe patterns and begin to develop a plan of action to continue to improve our systems.

The time goal for arrival and dismissal is between 25-30 minutes. We are excited to share that we are meeting the goal at arrival and exceeding the goal at dismissal!

Arrival begins at 8:05 AM.

  • This week, since Wednesday, our arrival time has averaged 26-minutes.
    • Arriving prior to 8:05 AM gives the appearance of a longer arrival. It also negatively impacts campus staff and bus arrival, local businesses, and traffic. Our district and campus requests that you do not arrive early for arrival, stacking traffic on the street. Please arrive no earlier than 8:00 AM.

Dismissal begins at 4:00 PM

  • This week, since Wednesday, we have averaged a 21-minute dismissal!
    • Arriving prior to 4:00 PM gives the appearance of a longer dismissal. Lining up so early also causes a negative impact on traffic and area businesses. Please do not arrive prior to 3:30.

We ask for your continued patience as our district office continues to make additional traffic recommendations to improve the traffic flow and safety of our arrival and dismissal procedures. If additional adjustments are needed, we will communicate those as quickly as possible to ensure our families are prepared.

As a reminder, please continue to meet the expectations below show teamwork to keep our arrival and dismissal procedure safe, secure, and joyful:


  • Follow directions from leaders/officials who are directing traffic.
  • Pull ALL THE WAY UP to the end of the driveway before stopping to drop your kids off.
  • Drive slowly and carefully, and refrain from cutting off cars in the lines or parking lot.
  • Refrain from blocking entries and exits for area businesses or for the campus.
  • Refrain from dropping your student off or picking up your student on the corner. This is not safe for your student, you, or for cars moving through the area. Please be sure to drop your students and pick-up your students inside the gates and the designated areas.
  • Refrain from exiting out of any gates on Tallyho. Exit at Hansen only.
  • Refrain from using your cell phone and remain attentive to traffic.
  • Refrain from dropping your student off on campus prior to 8:05, unless they are a part of morning ASPIRE.

For any concerns about Arrival and Dismissal procedures, please reach out to our Director of Campus Operations, Amanda Martello, using the contact information below.

Email: Amanda.Martello@yesprep.org

Phone: 713-967-9257

Text (temporarily): (832) 810-7963



A major component of ensuring our Aviators are college-ready is working to get all students placed into the correct, appropriate, rigorous courses. Your Aviator might receive adjustments to their schedule via course change, period switches, or being placed into AP classes. We are committed to communicating and reaching out proactively so you are aware of any changes made so that you and your Aviator feel confident and comfortable with their daily schedule. If you have any questions about your Aviator's schedule, please reach out to Mrs. Martello (amanda.martello@yesprep.org) and Ms. Giese (caroline.giese@yesprep.org).


Thank you to all of our families who have supported our Aviators in coming to school in proper uniform. We believe that our school uniform policy creates a sense of unity and builds community amongst our Aviators. On Mondays, we want our students and staff to start the week strong. Each Monday, we require our staff to dress professionally, and our students to wear a polo with uniform approved pants. For students, this could be their YES Prep assigned polo (with or without a logo), or any polo in our school colors with no logo. If there is no school on Monday, students can wear the normal Tuesday dress expectations (spirit shirt or polo) on the first day of the week. Students must be in dress code to attend class.

Bus expectations:

Students are expected to exhibit our core values and meet behavior expectations at all times while on campus, at campus events, and on the school bus. If your student rides the bus, we ask that you have a conversation with them about meeting the bus drivers expectations to ensure all students can get to and from school quickly and safely. If your student is not meeting expectations on the bus, they will receive consequences aligned with our Code of Conduct. In addition to this, they will receive an escalation of consequences regarding their eligibility to ride the bus. Low level misbehaviors will warrant family contact and a detention. Continued low-level misbehaviors could result in suspension from or removal from the bus. If your student notices something on the bus that they believe needs to be reported to an adult, please encourage them to talk with someone at home or a trusted adult on campus so we can follow necessary steps to investigate the situation and assign appropriate consequences. We appreciate your support in making YES Prep Hobby a safe and inclusive school for all of our Aviators.



please be sure to complete your annual student enrollment forms in Skyward. These forms are required for new AND returning families. Please log into Skyward to complete these forms. If you are unable to log into Skyward please contact the front office for assistance. If you need help with this, please contact our registrar Ms. Johnson at kaylan.johnsonsennet@yesprep.org 













Cell Phones & Personal Devices 

Students do not need to bring a cell phone to school to be successful in their learning. During school hours, all student cell phones must be turned off to maximize student learning and focus. All our students can use the front office phone if needed for emergencies. Phones and headphones/earbuds need to be completely invisible and put away once students enter the building. Students who have their phones out without permission (or headphones/earbuds) during the school day will receive a detention. Continual non-compliance with our cell phone policy will result in additional escalated consequences up to and including an administrator collecting the phone. If a phone is collected, a parent/guardian will be notified, and the phone can be picked up at the end of the day from the front office. If a cell phone is turned in to the front office multiple times, a guardian will need to meet with a school administrator to collect the phone. Please discuss this expectation with your student.  


Dress Code Policy


Lunch Time Expectations 

 Students at YES Prep Hobby will eat lunch in the cafeteria or another location designated by an administrator. Students are expected to remain in the designated lunch location for the duration of lunch, and they should not linger in the hallways, bathrooms, or in empty classrooms.  

A guardian, or an adult listed as an emergency contact, may eat lunch with their student, in a location approved by a campus administrator, if a valid photo ID is presented and they are listed on the student’s record. A guardian is the only individual who may provide food for their specific student. Food will not be accepted from non-guardian deliveries (e.g. Uber Eats, Dominos), and students/guardians are not allowed to order food for delivery, as deliveries will be turned away.  

A guardian should only bring food for their student if they are planning to eat lunch with their student. Students who do not have lunch or forget their lunch will be able to receive a free lunch from our food services provider. 

Students who are caught sharing food with other students will receive a demerit. Additionally, students may not remove food from the cafeteria following lunch. 

Dropping off Items for Students 

Parents and guardians may leave items for students at the front desk any time before 10:00 AM. The front office will not accept items after 10:00 AM, except in the case of an emergency (ex: medicine, clean clothes). Students who forget their lunch at home have the option to eat free at school. Items must be labeled with the student’s full name and grade level to ensure they are delivered to the correct student. Examples of items that can be left at the front desk are athletic clothes/uniforms, lunch boxes, water bottles, homework, or other small, personal items. Food will not be accepted from non-guardian deliveries (e.g. Uber Eats, Dominos), and students/guardians are not allowed to order food for delivery as deliveries will be turned away. 



ASPIRE Updates

Please take a minute to look over a couple of updates in regard to ASPIRE:

-Before school- ASPIRE will be Monday- Friday 7:00am-8:00am Starting this Monday 8/28

-After School- ASPIRE will begin Tuesday, September 5th 4:00pm-5:30pm

-Afterschool Transportation will begin on Tuesday, September 12th.

In order for your Aviator to participate in ASPIRE, you must fill out a registration form.


 For any questions regarding before and after-school activities, please contact Ms. Flores at Vanessa.flores@yesprep.org or 713-967-8750



See below for schedules, If you have any questions please Contact our Athletic Director Mr. Gipson at anthony.gipson@yesprep.org or 713) 967-8816


Boys Varsity- Volleyball

Girls Varsity- Volleyball

MS- Volleyball

MS- Flag Football

Varsity- Cross Country

MS- Cross Country 


Resource Links:

  • Transportation - View our current bus routes
  • Skyward -  View grades: assignment grades, progress report grades, and report card grades. Attendance: tardies, absences, etc. Schedule: classes your student is enrolled in.
  • Schoology -  parental access to Schoology, you can sign up for weekly reports as well as impersonate your child/children to view their classes, current and upcoming assignments, grades, etc. Schoology one pager: English | Español.
  • HERO - Behavior tracker


Follow us on social media to stay updated on campus events, get to meet our teachers, and watch other fun campus culture videos!

Instagram: @yesprephobby
Facebook: @yesprephobby
YouTube: YES Prep Hobby



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The News Update is YES Prep Public Schools systemwide monthly e-newsletter where we share the latest news, teacher and student stories, as well as upcoming events and important dates. 

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