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Hello, Aviators,

We are excited to kick school into high gear after our Labor Day break. September begins our after-school ASPIRE program, Unified Tutorials, and Latinx Heritage Month programming and celebrations.

Next week, our high school students will take their SAT college-readiness benchmark and their MAP benchmarks in both Reading and Math. Please be sure that you do not extend your weekend and that your student is in attendance for the crucial benchmark assessments next week, beginning Tuesday.

Finally, as a reminder, attendance impacts promotion. Students may lose credit (high school) or be at risk for retention (middle school) if they are absent for too many days. Be sure that your student is at school on time each day and that you submit an absence note for any day your student may not attend school.



Ms. Brown


Monday, September 4th - Holiday No school

Wednesday, September 6th- HS Reading and Math MAP Testing

Thursday, September 14th- Open House

Friday, September 15th- Early Dismissal 1:00pm

Friday, October 6th- No School- Staff Development

Monday, October 9th- Fall Holiday- No school



2023-2024 School Year Calendar click here


High school Beginning of Year Testing

High School Families, next week we will engage in Beginning of Year Benchmarking for our HS Aviators. Aviators will complete a Practice PSAT Benchmark through Khan Academy on Tuesday (9/5). This exam will give them realistic practice to ensure they are prepared for the PSAT and, eventually, ready to take the SAT for college-readiness. On Wednesday, HS Aviators will complete the MAP Benchmark in both Reading and Math. The MAP Benchmark is directly correlated to success on STAAR EOC exams and is a starting place for us to see where we need to support your Aviator this year.

Please ensure students are on time and in class by 8:30 am on Tuesday and Wednesday, as both tests are mandatory.

Aviator Open House:

On Thursday, September 14th from 4:30pm – 6:00pm we invite you to campus to meet the teachers, see your students classrooms, and receive other campus updates. We will also have uniform shirts available for any family that has not yet received their free shirts. More information on parking and other logistics will be sent out next week.


Morning Arrival:

Families, thank you for being patient as we adjust our morning arrival procedure. We are pleased to share that we have seen an improvement for the morning traffic flow and students are able to make it to first period on time.

Uniform Distribution:

Hobby has finally received our remaining uniforms from Bayou City. We will distribute uniform shirts during Aviator Open House ONLY to families who have not received any uniforms.

We will have additional uniform shirts available for families in October after all students have received their initial shirts. More details will be shared once the next shipment arrives.


We know that attending school every day is what helps lead your student to success in the classroom and beyond. We are rolling out attendance challenges this year, one of which is a grade level challenge. Each week, the grade level with the highest Average Daily Attendance will win a free dress pass for the following week. The winning grade level will be announced on Monday Morning Meeting each week and the students in that grade level will win a free dress pass for that Tuesday. Free dress does NOT allow students to wear athletic wear or crocs, but will allow students to wear a top or shirt of their choice. We will send a text to families of the winning grade level each Monday so families know to allow their student to come to school in the updated dress code for that day. As a reminder, any student out of dress code must correct their uniform before being able to attend class. We appreciate your support in having students meet Uniform expectations each day.





Hello Aviator Parents,


The College Krewe has started the first one-on-one advising session with their Director of College Counseling, Ms. Hines. The aim of each session is to help the counselors gain a better understanding of the student's characteristics, including their identity, aspirations, involvements, and long-term goals. The counselors will review the student's GPA, rank, SAT scores, and provide initial feedback on their college list.


During this time, we will be discussing the following topics:

Meeting Purpose

•            What do you hope to get out of this meeting?

•            Do you have any questions that you want us to address during this meeting?

Personal and Family Context

•            How would you describe yourself? How do others describe you?

•            What are you most passionate about?

•            Tell me about an event in your life that has shaped who you are today. Any obstacles you’ve had to overcome?

•            How many people are in your house? Who? What do they do?

•            Tell me your family's viewpoint on college

Post-Secondary Plans

First Choice Pathway


Second Choice Pathway



Grades & Test Scores

•            Discuss GPA trend, AP courses (if applicable)

-          How did the student do on the STAAR test?

•            Khan Academy practice?



Extracurricular Involvement & Summer Opportunities:


Your students will receive a pass to resume their assignments upon returning to class.


Parents if you have any questions please email Ms. Hines at


ASPIRE Updates

Please take a minute to look over a couple of updates in regard to ASPIRE:

-After School- ASPIRE will begin Tuesday, September 5th 4:00pm-5:30pm

-Afterschool Transportation will begin on Tuesday, September 12th.

In order for your Aviator to participate in ASPIRE, you must fill out a registration form.


 For any questions regarding before and after-school activities, please contact Ms. Flores at Vanessa.flores@yesprep.org or 713-967-8750


Bus route for After school programming

The athletic department is selling t-shirts for our first fundraiser.

The prices are:

$15- S-XL.   $17-2XL and up.

If you are interested in purchasing a T-Shirt or want to know more information about Athletics contact Coach Gipson.
(713) 969-0191


See below for schedules, If you have any questions please Contact our Athletic Director Mr. Gipson at anthony.gipson@yesprep.org or 713) 967-8816

Boys Varsity- Volleyball

Girls Varsity- Volleyball

MS- Volleyball

MS- Flag Football

Varsity- Cross Country

MS- Cross Country 


Resource Links:

  • Transportation - View our current bus routes
  • Skyward -  View grades: assignment grades, progress report grades, and report card grades. Attendance: tardies, absences, etc. Schedule: classes your student is enrolled in.
  • Schoology -  parental access to Schoology, you can sign up for weekly reports as well as impersonate your child/children to view their classes, current and upcoming assignments, grades, etc. Schoology one pager: English | Español.
  • HERO - Behavior tracker


Follow us on social media to stay updated on campus events, get to meet our teachers, and watch other fun campus culture videos!

Instagram: @yesprephobby
Facebook: @yesprephobby
YouTube: YES Prep Hobby



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