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Good evening, Families,
Please take a minute to read today’s update for information on Trunk-Or-Treat, Restroom Passes, PSAT testing, Athletics Games and this week’s assessments.
Also, don't forget to check out FanCloth spirit wear the window will close on Tuesday, October 17th.
Ms. Brown
Friday, October 13th- Lottery opens 2024-2025 SY
Thursday, October 26th- PSAT Testing
Thursday, October 26th- Trunk-or-Treat
Friday, October 27th- Early Dismissal
Trunk or Treat:
We will be hosting our annual Trunk o Treat a on Thursday, October 26th 5:00pm-6:30pm. This event is approaching fast, and we are needing assistance with parent volunteers and donations. If you are interested, please complete the following survey--> https://forms.office.com/r/p2jbXQiQCp
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Sanchez at (713) 842-5560 or melissa.sanchez@yesprep.org
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Restroom Pass Updates:
We believe students are most successful when they are present at school and in class. In order to encourage time management skills, and have students in class as much as possible, we have created a new restroom system. Students will receive 5 restroom passes for the week to use during class. After these 5 passes are used, students will receive a demerit for restroom use. This only applies for leaving the classroom to use the restroom. Students are always able to use the restroom during lunch, culture block, and passing period. All restroom use is logged in our online system, HERO, where we track other positive and negative behaviors on campus. Please reach out to your students Grade Level Chair for more information on HERO, your students behaviors, or other campus systems.
Weekly Assessments:
Summative Assessments are in full swing, Aviator Families. See below for next week's classes that will be administering exams!
Fan Cloth:
Aviator Families-
We have opened a Fan Cloth Fundraiser, here you will find different wear that's Hobby approved. This spirit wear can be used Tuesday- Friday only,
📣📣Students are still required to wear polo shirts on Mondays.
📣📣Athletic wear can only be worn on designated dates.
To Purchase please scan the QR code or visit https://bit.ly/3EVwdCz
(Store will be open from: Sep 27 - Oct 17, 2023)
Why the PSAT/NMSQT Is Important?
Hello Aviator parents, this week in Athletics we will have:
Wednesday 10/18 Boys MS Soccer Tryouts 4:20-5:45pm.
Thursday 10/19 Staff vs Student Volleyball Game 5:15-6:15pm. Admission is free****
The Athletic Department is still selling t-shirts. The prices are $15 for S-XL and $17 for 2XL and up.
Any questions that you have regarding athletics please contact Coach Gipson.