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Monday, March 6th- Thursday March 9th- Common Assessment Testing
Friday, March 10th- Student Holiday No School
Monday March 13th- Friday March 17th- Spring Break- No School for Techers and students
Friday, March 31st- Student Holiday No School
Common Assessment:
All Aviators have a chance in all core classes to show what they’ve learned this year and how ready they are for STAAR Testing. Common Assessments take place for all Math, English, Science, and Social Studies classes for all grade levels during the week of March 6th – March 9th. Aviator attendance is key to making sure our Aviators perform at the high level we know they can, so please make sure your Aviator is here every day by 8:30 am so they can maximize their instructional time every day!
Aviator Parents,
If you submitted an application for a new student for the 23-24 school year, you should have received communication regarding the status of your application by now.
If you receive a seat, you will have until Friday March 10th to accept or decline the offer. If you did not receive a seat, your application will be put on the waitlist until a seat becomes available.
If you have any questions, please email Our Registrar Ms. Johnson at kaylan.johnsonsennet@yesprep.org
Visit the District Calendar Page to stay connected with important dates!
Follow us on social media to stay updated on campus events, get to meet our teachers, and watch other fun campus culture videos! (Click the icons to access our social media accounts)
Student Assistance Form:
We know that you may have some needs that arise as a parent, guardian, or student. You can receive direct help by submitting a “Student Assistance Form” or, a SAF. To communicate any support needs you may have, please click on the SAF link on the district website. A campus Student Support Counselor will follow-up with you to determine the best way to get your need met. SAFs can be submitted for:
- Urgent family concerns
- Family or student supplies or resources needed for school (i.e. uniforms, calculator, books, food)
- Student social and emotional concerns
- Student home or family concerns
- Student relationship concerns
Soccer Game Schedule
Come out and support Hobby's Faculty Match
Follow YP Hobby Athletics:
Don’t forget to add 2021-2022 Federal Report Cards & School Report Cards
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has published the2021-2022 Federal Report Cards for each YES Prep school and the district. We are sharing this information with you as part of our obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Information on these reports includes the items listed in this TEA guide.
FRC Parent Notification Letter - English
FRC Parent Notification Letter - Español
SRC Parent Notification Letter - English
SRC Parent Notification Letter - Español